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CouchSurfing is an international non-profit network that connects travelers with locals in over 230 countries and territories around the world. Since 2004, members have been using our system to come together for cultural exchange, friendship, and learning experiences. Today, over a million people who might otherwise never meet are able to share hospitality and cultural understanding.





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表達不再是表達  是情緒發洩 

janetjenny 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

這三五年的轉變  讓我發現  生命  自已  工作  生活  快樂  人際的奧妙 ~

當身邊的人多了   是什麼感受及滋味

當身邊沒有人了   是什麼感受及滋味

快樂生活是重心  智慧以對是應該

一個人生活密訣  說穿了  還是要快樂~

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 剛剛測試了腦力的基本計算      發現 

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